Monday, December 21, 2009



1. Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Institute, Inc. and its affiliates will not be liable for all injuries and accidents sustained in and out of training.
2. Physical conditions (e.g. hereditary diseases, deformities, operations, etc.) or anything that may cause unhealthy and unsafe results to the practioner/s will not be accepted unless given with proper consent.
3. Safety and progress of individuals are dependent upon their behavior and level of involvement. Prevention of accidents and development of skill level vary from one person to another.
4. Unruly behavior and non-compliance to rules and regulations may well be grounds for discontinuation of training, as well as improper conduct in and out of training that could put the name of the group in negative status or situations.
5. Practitioners are required to use proper equipment approved by the Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Institute in its activities.
6. All payments are non-refundable. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
7. Development of rules and regulations shall be done in the future.


 Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Institute, Inc., and its affiliates will not be liable for all injuries and accidents in and out of training. All that are featured in this site are for presentation only. Anyone interested in learning martial arts should know first the laws that apply to martial arts, the use of force, and the use of weapons. Seek to train only with a certified instructor. Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Institute, Inc. is not a separate/distinct system of Filipino Martial Arts. It does not promote or teach one system of FMA, but, incorporates all that are applicable in learning and experiencing FMA and the Filipino culture. All materials presented here are property of the Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Institute, Inc.

Note: Not all of the posts in this site does not necessarily reflect the ideals of Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Institute, Inc.

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